Baby hates z vibe
Baby hates z vibe

baby hates z vibe


Well gosh golly gee, I’m earning a buck more now per hour than I did at my college summer job, and still only making $19k per year, so yeah, explain how three months in the summer would pay off my $30k in debt! And Baby Boomers who claim they hate the debt inequality of colleges very often conveniently ignore that they prop it up themselves-by running free “internships” and supporting college sports. Every single person in my family over the age of 45 who’s gone to college (except my mom, who went in the 1990s and feels my same pain) has told me if I wasn’t so lazy in college I could have paid off my education with a summer job. It’s mostly your generation that demands a manager when I say I can’t take a coupon that expired six months ago and drives my teenage coworkers to tears, because bullying a powerless child is fun or something. And while I’m there, it’s predominantly your generation that gets rude and entitled and up in my face and calls me names and tells me my generation has no manners and tries to flirt with my 16-year-old trainee. Your generation tells me to “get a second job,” when I am exhausted working six days a week, while walking to work in 110-degree weather, ten to twelve hours every day.

baby hates z vibe

Your generation tells me to “get a better job,” when there are no “better jobs” hiring within walking distance and I can’t afford a car. My employer is a fast food chain that routinely engages in wage theft and requires a forced-arbitration agreement, something your generation came up with. Except that’s not really what I make, because I work up to 50 hours a week, so it’s more like $19000 when all is said and done-if I get paid. When I get my fancy new shirt, it’ll go up to $8.70. I’m in a training-management position, in management, and making $8.20 an hour. So let me explain why, yes, it is all Baby Boomers, and why Millennials hate you.

Baby hates z vibe